A series of audio dramas which look at historical events from the eyes and in the imagined words of those who were there, or who might have been there.

The Bluecoat Story Part 4
Mrs Hamel Dove Fanny Calder - September 1926


Published on: September 2017

In 1909 she had already rescued the the Bluecoat from dilapidation and possible demolition and had established the Sandon Studios Society Centre for All the Arts, sharing it with the University School of Architecture at the peppercorn rent of £30 per annum, payable to the owner Lord Leverhulme.

1925 and the General Strike led to many Companies going bust. Lord Levehulme has died and his son is selling the Bluecoat building to pay the death duties on the inheritance.

In two weeks flat- she has raised £10,000 (£600,000 in todays terms) but she is still £17,000 short of the asking price. Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
And hope is contagious.

41 Heston House, Tanners Hill, London , SE8 4PX

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